Agogo - Purchase advice

Agogo - Brazilian percussion blog

Tips and information to keep in mind when buying an agogo: size, bells, tuning, finished... All you should know before buy your instrument.


Big bells produce deep tones, small ones high tones. High tones can be better heard within the context of a whole percussion group, but for some specific styles of music i.e. Ijexà, the deep tones are preferred.
So your perception of the right sound is essential for the choice of the right bell.

HOW MANY BELLS?Agogo - Brazilian percussion blog

The characteristic “clicksound” effected when pushing together the single bells, can only be accomplished with a double Agogo. But nevertheless the 3 - bell and 4 - bell Agogos also are frequently used, since they enable to play specific melodies typical for various samba schools.


The most common tuning is the fourth ( the interval of a police siren ), - not as common but no less beautifull is a third. Most brazilian made Agogos are not tuned properly, but this also has its’ own, very individual charm! The 4 – bell Agogos from Imperio Serrano are the best proof ! When more than one dissonant bells are played together a very authentic and typical Rio style is created.



The coating of the surface either with chrome or lacquer has an effect on the tuning of the Agogo,- it has less overtones. When making your choice between chrome and lacquer you should notice that chrome plating produces highly toxin wastage that cannot be recycled!


Almost all Agogos you can get are made out of steelsheet, which are commonly coated with lacquer or chrome to protect them against rust. The thickness of the material is crucial for the tone ( thin sheet produces a clear and open tone ) and durability of the bell.
Stainless steel is a high quality material with a fairly high price. It does not have to be coated, is very durable and cannot rust!


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